
To Whom It May Concern:

I am President of The Whitney Court Condominium of 629-633 Whitney Avenue New  Haven, Connecticut. We are a small Association comprising 6 condominiums. Mr. Steve Margolis is our management head. I write this letter to indicate what a superb job  he has done over these past few years since he assumed his present role. He is extraordinarily attentive to our requests and he carries through all activities in a most  thorough manner. He regularly attends our monthly Association meetings and is always totally prepared with budgets, expenses, answers to our requests, etc. He is a model professional in all that he does.


Lawrence S. Cohen, MD
The Ebenezer K. Hunt
Professor of Medicine
Yale University
School of Medicine

Barbara Rawson

To Whom It May Concern:

Fifteen years ago Walden Three, our fifty-four unit condominium, was in serious trouble. We were in debt and sorely in need of knowledgeable leadership. This situation had been caused, in part, by poor, irresponsible management and the inexperience of our volunteer board members. Steven Margolis came to our rescue in 1991 as our Property Manager and is still with us today.
Under his management we have accomplished a great deal in the area of capital improvements and have done much to modernize our thirty-year old community. We have replaced our oil burners and our in-ground fuel tanks (before they started to leak) with above ground installations. We have also installed a water main, converting our water supply from our private wells to the public water supply and we have replaced roofing and repaved our roads and driveways. We borrowed a large sum of money and took care of a lot of deferred maintenance issues. Today we have a healthy Reserve Fund and a long range Capital Improvement Plan in place which we are confident will serve us well in the future, and allow us to plan for the regular maintenance of our property.
Equally as important as Steve’s leadership in our financial security has been his exceptional ability to work with our Board members and owners, helping us to solve day-to-day problems. He is always available, ready to listen to and work with us, whatever the challenge.
Today the residents of Walden Three are proud of the community and lifestyle we enjoy, in large part as the result of the efforts of our Property Manager, Steven Margolis.

Barbara Rawson
Past President
Walden Three Condominiums
Guilford, Connecticut